
Why E-Commerce Websites Are Crucial to Your Retail Success

With the growing popularity of the internet and technological advancements, buying and selling are now easier and faster than ever. Internet users are no longer restricted to using desktop computers to conduct research or send emails.

People are increasingly using their laptops, tablets, and even mobile phones to do more things, such as make purchases and even sell products over the Internet. People can now shop from the comfort of their own homes and even run their own businesses.

Although some still consider it an option rather than a necessity, an E-commerce website is actually very crucial to your retail business.

According to Statista, eCommerce will grow from $2.3 trillion in 2017 to $4.88 trillion by 2021, with the majority of that coming from popular marketplaces. However, there is no shortage of potential for your own owned online store.

If you don’t have an E-commerce website, you’re losing business and missing out on significant growth opportunities.

Here are all the reasons why you should consider getting one:

Establish Trust & Credibility

With the growing popularity of the internet and technological advancements, buying and selling are now easier and faster than ever. Internet users are no longer restricted to using desktop computers to conduct research or send emails.

People are increasingly using their laptops, tablets, and even mobile phones to do more things, such as make purchases and even sell products over the Internet. People can now shop from the comfort of their own homes and even run their own businesses.

Although some still consider it an option rather than a necessity, an E-commerce website is actually very crucial to your retail business.

According to Statista, eCommerce will grow from $2.3 trillion in 2017 to $4.88 trillion by 2021, with the majority of that coming from popular marketplaces. However, there is no shortage of potential for your own owned online store.

If you don’t have an E-commerce website, you’re losing business and missing out on significant growth opportunities.


Here are all the reasons why you should consider getting one:

Establish Trust & Credibility

Almost all customers now expect to be able to make purchases through websites.

Consumers are looking for specific products, comparing prices, looking for coupons, and determining whether you are a reputable source to buy from. Websites will be the first place they look for this information and, more than likely, where they will purchase a product.

If you don’t have one, your customers will most likely go to other stores instead.

You can build a customer email list and market directly to them

One of the most important benefits of owning a website is the ability to market directly to website visitors and customers. Unlike in marketplaces, where people who buy your product are the marketplace’s customers, selling directly to consumers on your website allows you to collect their contact information. You can send email marketing promotions, offer discounts, and announce new products to your customers if you have their email addresses.

Because you don’t have direct access to your customers’ information, getting repeat buyers in a marketplace is much more difficult. This means you’ll have fewer opportunities to provide excellent customer service, promote your other products, and offer discounts.

Because it is easier and less expensive to retain an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one, communicating with existing customers is an essential part of generating revenue for your company.

Not only do you know who has previously purchased from you, but you also know what they purchased, how much they spent, and what they are interested in. You can use this data to influence and recommend future purchases.

Learn more about your audience

Having your own e-commerce website not only allows you to market directly to your customers but also allows you to better understand them. This includes demographic information such as their location, as well as how they discovered your website and learned about you. You can analyze their website behavior, such as what they looked at and the path they took to buy from you.

If certain traffic sources are bringing in a lot of customers for your company, you can choose to concentrate your efforts and invest more money in those channels because you know they are profitable.

Not only do you learn more about your existing customers, but you can also learn where those who did not make a purchase dropped off. Perhaps it’s a product page with insufficient customer reviews or photos, or perhaps people are abandoning shopping carts due to high shipping costs.

This will allow you to improve and optimize your website in order to increase conversions and sell more, which you will be unable to do if you do not have an e-commerce website.

Improve Customer Experience

Customers can quickly find what they’re looking for by using simple website navigation and well-organized product collections.

By catering to preferences, adding a website to your other sales channels will improve the customer experience. Some people prefer online shopping to social commerce or in-store purchases.

You can even fully integrate these channels for a seamless shopping experience across all of these touchpoints with the right e-commerce platform!

Final thoughts

Websites are now an essential part of doing business. It can assist you in meeting customer expectations, giving you complete control over your brand, and improving the customer experience.

Every retailer, without exception, should have one. It’s the one thing you can do to drastically improve your company’s success.

Furthermore, it does not have to be complicated or costly. You can have your own website with Live Butler without knowing anything about web development, and if you decide to do live selling in the future, you can use our system to assist you.

Live selling isn’t the only way you can reach and sell to your customers on Facebook. With Live Butler, you can sell through all types of content so you can always keep customers’ newsfeeds fresh & interesting. This way you won’t just reach more customers but will also make other people aware of your brand.

Live Butler is an all-in-one social commerce solution designed to automate your live selling. From accepting orders, updating inventory to sending invoices, Live Butler will do it for you.  

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