
Cancellation Policy

Canceling Subscription

  • You can cancel your subscription at any time by contacting our customer service team. You can ask for the cancellation of a subscription through the chatbox in your dashboard. Choose ‘sale’ as the topic and put your message request to cancel your subscription.

  • Send your request at least 3 business days before your current billing period ends or before your 14-day trial ends to prevent you from being charged automatically.

  • The cancellation process might take up to 3 business days after you have submitted your cancellation request.

  • The number of products and campaigns you have should match the number in the free plan before your subscription will be canceled. For example: If you have more than 100 products in Live Butler, you will need to delete some of your products in order to meet the maximum count in the free plan which is 20 products.

  • After your subscription got canceled, you will lose access to Live Butler system features under the premium plans. You will still be able to access your account and use the free plan of Live Butler.