what is comment selling

What Is Comment Selling?

In today’s competitive market, you’ve got to stand out in order to succeed. As many businesses are turning to social media to sell their products and grow their audience, some owners have started thinking of a new way of selling their products that will make them stand out from their competitors. Comment Selling is one great example of this.

What is comment selling?

Comment selling is a feature that turns comments from social media platforms into sales. Through it, customers can reserve a product by simply typing a specific key phrase in the comment section of the seller’s post. Once the customer made a comment, the item will automatically be put into their cart. In this way, it will be easier for a customer to make a purchase without leaving the page they were on or messaging the seller with all the products they want to buy. This will make the sales funnel shorter and the customers more satisfied.

what is comment selling infographics

Let’s find out more about how this new method is changing the way many do social commerce today.

Comment selling transforms content into shoppable posts

Social media platforms have been widely used by a lot of businesses to market and advertise their products and services. But creating posts with links that will redirect customers to your e-commerce site doesn’t garner much engagement.

Comment selling allows you to make your content into shoppable posts, where your customers can make a purchase without being redirected to another website. This will make the transaction easier and faster for both you and your customer.

Comment selling creates competition between customers

In the usual way of selling on social media, customers will have to send a message to the seller to make a purchase. Since the transaction is done privately, other customers don’t see if a lot of people are already buying the product. This makes them feel relaxed and doesn’t feel the rush of purchasing the product.

With comment selling, everyone can see once a customer makes a purchase. Every comment purchase makes other customers feel uneasy. This is because they feel like their chance of getting the item before it sold out is getting smaller. This will trigger FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in your customers, making them competitive which will lead them in purchasing now before it slips through their fingers.

Comment selling makes Live Selling easier

Doing live sales while manually taking reservations from the comment section can lead to confusion. It may also make some customers unhappy because other customers got the product even when they commented first. You might also accept reservations for products that are already out of stock.

Comment selling deals with all these issues with live selling. It allows you to just focus on engaging with your customers because the orders are automatically accepted. You can also just focus on answering their questions instead of looking at the comment section to accept orders. You won’t also need to worry about accepting orders for products that are already out of stock. With Comment selling, it will automatically decline orders for products that don’t have stocks.

Social Proof Results in Increased Sales

Social proof is the idea that consumers will adapt their behavior according to what other people are doing.

For example, imagine you are walking down the street and you have to choose between three different ice cream shops. One of them is empty, and the other two have a few people in them. Which one are you going to choose?

If you’re like most people, you’ll likely choose one of the two with people in them.

This is the basic concept of social proof.

With comment selling, it is easier to capture social proof. The more others see people buying your products, the more likely they will do the same. It will also make your store look trustworthy since a lot of customers are already buying from you, and will also make your products look in demand.

Any Business Size Can Benefit

You don’t have to be a large-scale business to implement comment selling in your social commerce. In fact, many ‘brick and mortar’ are already using this to expand their brand reach while offering convenience to their customers on social media. It all depends on how you use it to your advantage.

If your business still can’t afford to invest in leveling up your social commerce with this feature, you don’t have to worry. There are some social commerce platforms out there that offer this for free.

How are comments converted to sales?

You may be wondering how comments are converted to sales without the seller manually taking them.

Automation is what makes this new way of selling possible. In fact, there are a lot of time-consuming tasks that can be easily done through automation. For example: sending invoices, updating inventory, and order fulfillment.

Live Butler is an all-in-one e-commerce solution designed to make social selling easier. We automate manual tasks like those we listed above including comment selling. By eliminating these tasks, you will be able to focus on cultivating trust and loyalty as you connect with your customers for more engagement in the future.

Final thoughts

New ways of selling have been coming out as social commerce starts to become popular among business owners. One of these ways is comment selling, which has proven its effectiveness in making selling on social media much easier not just for sellers but for customers as well. With all the benefits that come with it, it is no surprise that many e-commerce solutions are starting to offer it and many businesses have started implementing it in their social commerce.

Live selling isn’t the only way you can reach and sell to your customers on Facebook. With Live Butler, you can sell through all types of content so you can always keep customers’ newsfeeds fresh & interesting. This way you won’t just reach more customers but will also make other people aware of your brand.

Live Butler is an all-in-one social commerce solution designed to automate your live selling. From accepting orders, updating inventory to sending invoices, Live Butler will do it for you.  

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