ways to grow your Business Facebook followers

Ways to Grow Your Business’ Facebook Followers

It’s no secret that having a brand presence on Facebook is an essential part of a modern-day business strategy. However, while most businesses have accounts on the social network, many struggles with building their followers.

If you’re doing live sales on Facebook, your followers are your customers and that’s why it’s important that you also focus on how to grow your follower.
Below we listed some creative tips and tools for you to grow your current Facebook followers:

Run Facebook Ads

Perhaps the most obvious solution to getting more followers is to run Facebook ads. Paid ads guarantee that your Facebook page will be seen by a larger target audience than you would naturally.

You can run “Engagement” ads, which will help you increase the visibility of your brand on Facebook. While any ad will get your page more visibility, engagement ads are specifically designed to promote interaction on your page. If users find the content in your ad interesting, they’ll most likely engage with it and follow you.

However, if your main goal is to get store sales, you can run a conversion ad and still increase Facebook likes to your page.

Invite People to Like Your Page

The easiest way to increase your Facebook followers is by inviting people to like your page.

You can first invite your friends and family to like your page and then ask them to share it with other people. You can also go to Facebook groups or pages that are related to your brand and then ask people to like your page in the comment section.

Run Contests & Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are a thrilling way to excite customers and drive specific behaviors, such as liking, commenting, sharing, and inviting others to your page. You can give away anything from accessories to high-end designer bags. However, your prizes don’t need to be expensive. Most people will participate in contests and giveaways for their chance to win small prizes.

You can also use this to gain more audience during live sales. Ask them to tag their friends and they can have a chance to win some prizes. This is an easy way to catch the attention of their friends and family. Since they are tagged in your live sale post, those that see it can easily find and follow your business.

Get Tagged by Other Facebook Pages

Getting organic shoutouts from bigger Facebook pages can help you get more Facebook followers.

To get a shout-out, look for brands who regularly feature their customers or other non-competing businesses on social media sites. Then pick the brands that have a similar audience to you or one that is related to your product or brand.

Add Your Social Media Links to Your Website

Another way to attract more followers is to promote your Facebook page.

You want your social links to appear wherever you have a brand presence, so you can increase the odds that people will follow you. If you have a website, you should put your social links in there and make sure that your social buttons are as easy as possible to find. You can include these in your website’s footer, but ideally, you should also place social buttons near the top of your page. Your customers will never have to scroll down to see them.

Promote your Facebook Page on other Social Media Platform

If you have an Instagram account, you’ll want to invite your audience to join in on the fun on your Facebook page as well. You can tease exclusive discounts, sneak peeks for new arrivals, or Facebook Live sales to motivate them.

Cross-promoting works between Facebook pages and Facebook groups, too. If you have a group, make sure that it’s linked to your page so your customer can easily find it!

Send an Email

Invite your email subscribers to join in on the fun on your Facebook accounts. You can send a dedicated email, or you can include your social buttons in the footer.

Including these buttons in the footer of your email template is an easy way to ensure your subscribers will see them every time they open your emails.

Final thoughts

Growing your Facebook followers doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Follow these suggestions to drive organic reach, grab your audience’s attention, and rope them into following you on Facebook.

Whichever methods you choose, make sure to post consistently in a way that drives engagement. Over time, increased engagement can turn passive onlookers into Facebook followers.

For best results, create a social media marketing plan to create valuable content that resonates with your ideal audience.

Live selling isn’t the only way you can reach and sell to your customers on Facebook. With Live Butler, you can sell through all types of content so you can always keep customers’ newsfeeds fresh & interesting. This way you won’t just reach more customers but will also make other people aware of your brand.

Live Butler is an all-in-one social commerce solution designed to automate your live selling. From accepting orders, updating inventory to sending invoices, Live Butler will do it for you.  

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